Damage Over Time Roll
Roll Type

Damage Over Time (DoT) Roll inflicts damage on a target at the end of their turn until the duration expires, a successful contesting roll removes the effect, or they move out of the AOE causing the effect.

A creature standing in a Wall of Fire at the end of their turn repeats the contesting skill roll to take damage. If they leave or avoid the Wall of Fire during their turn, the status is removed, and they take no damage at the end of their turn.

A target walking into, then out of, and back into a Wall of Fire takes the damage only once during their turn.

If a caster with Spirit Guardians enters a target's space, the target makes the initial contesting roll to take AOE damage from the spell. If the caster leaves and reenters the target's space with the AOE touching the target, the target still makes this roll only once. At the end of the next turn, if the target is still within the space, it repeats the contesting roll at the end of its turn.

If an ability or spell effect applies a DoT roll, the damage is taken initially and potentially at the end of the target's upcoming turn. If no duration is specified, the damage continues until dispelled or the status effect is removed, typically through a successful contested roll.

This roll type is common for abilities or spells requiring concentration to deal damage, but concentration is not always required.

If the effect originates from an AOE and the target enters it during their turn, they take damage from that effect only once during their turn.

If the target exits the AOE DoT effect during their turn, they will not need to make a contested roll on the following turn, and the effect is removed from their statuses.

Damage can also be rolled manually for this effect.

Extra damage rolls and extra weapon damage rolls are not added to Damage Over Time Rolls at this time.


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information