The massive bear lumbers forward, its fur matted with oozing growths. Thick, pulsing tendrils coil from torn flesh, twitching with unnatural life. Its milky eyes lock on you as its maw splits wider than it should.
A parasite is a cunning and insidious organism that thrives by merging with a host, altering its body to ensure its own survival. Whether fungal, carnivorous, or insectoid in nature, all parasites share one grim truth—eventually, their host will perish, leaving the parasite to seek out a new body to infest.
Fungal parasites spread through spores, infecting a host’s bloodstream or nervous system. As the infection progresses, the host’s body becomes overgrown with mycelium, enhancing physical strength and endurance while slowly hollowing out the mind. Some fungal parasites form grotesque fruiting bodies on their host, releasing spores upon death to seek out fresh victims.
These entities latch onto a host and modify their physiology, often fusing with muscle and bone to create a more efficient predator. Some form external appendages—claws, tendrils, or even additional jaws—while others mutate internal organs, reinforcing bones and thickening flesh. The host’s lifespan is prolonged as long as it remains useful, but once it weakens, the parasite abandons the husk and moves on.
Insectoid parasites typically enter through wounds, the mouth, or even burrowing into flesh, spreading through their host’s body like a living hive. Some implant eggs that hatch within the host, slowly devouring them from the inside. Others take direct control, wrapping nerves in chitinous tendrils to puppet the host while feeding off its life force.
A parasite’s relationship with its host is one of necessity, not mercy. The host’s body will eventually break down, at which point the parasite abandons it, either spreading through spores, laying eggs in new victims, or simply leaping to another body. This relentless cycle ensures the parasite’s survival, leaving a trail of broken and mutated corpses in its wake.
To those unfortunate enough to encounter such creatures, the only true escape is death… or worse, becoming the next host.