Vanity Mirror
40 gp 15 lbs Silver

A finely crafted vanity mirror, framed in polished wood or metal, stands on a sturdy base. Often found in noble estates or merchant homes, it provides a clear reflection. Some artisans etch designs into the glass, while enchanted versions reveal hidden illusions or enhance grooming with minor magical assistance.

Polished metal frames the glass, its surface unmarred yet aged at the edges. Light pools across the silver backing, shifting with each movement. Reflections ripple subtly, crisp yet depthless, capturing every detail with unsettling clarity.

Object Properties:

  • V Current: 20
  • V Max: 20

  • Object Damage Type Resistances(s):
  • Poison
  • Psychic

  • Object Damage Type Immunity:
  • Poison
  • Psychic

  • Object Damage Type Vulnerability:
  • Acid

  • Object Damage Mitigation: +12


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information