Komodo Brute
Komodo Brute
400 lbs


85 / 85

  • Natural Armor:
  • Natural Armor +4
    0 gp

  • Natural Weapon(s):
  • Bite (2d10)

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Keen Senses

  • Free Abilities:
  • Reckless Frenzy

  • Monster Bits:
  • 24 Animal Blood
    0.1 gp
  • 120 Animal Meat
    0.05 gp
  • 60 Animal Fat
    0.5 gp
  • 60 Animal Bone
    0.03 gp

A massive Komodolin bursts through the foliage, toppling trees with each stride. Swinging a giant axe with feral strength, it roars, determined to claim the first kill of the hunt.


Creature Sub Type

Komodolins are a fearsome race of Lizardfolk, larger and more aggressive than their common kin. With their robust, almost dinosaur-like builds, they dominate their territories and view all other races as prey, hunting for sport.

Physical Appearance
Komodolins stand taller and broader than regular Lizardfolk, often reaching heights of 7 to 8 feet. Their bodies are heavily muscled, covered in tough, scaly skin that ranges in color from dark green to deep brown, providing natural camouflage in their native environments. Their faces are distinctly reptilian, with sharp, predatory eyes, powerful jaws filled with serrated teeth, and crests or spines along their heads and backs.

Culture and Behavior
Komodolins are inherently hostile and take great pride in their hunting abilities. They adorn themselves with trophies from previous kills, wearing bones, skulls, and other remnants as symbols of their prowess. This display serves both as intimidation and as a status symbol within their tribes.

Social Structure
Tribal and communal, Komodolins form tight-knit hunting parties, often consisting of the most skilled and aggressive members. Leadership is typically determined by combat and hunting success, with the strongest and most cunning individuals rising to the top. These tribes are constantly on the move, expanding their territory, which can span hundreds of miles and grow annually.

Hunting Practices
Komodolins live for the thrill of the hunt. The more challenging the prey, the more excited they become. They are relentless, tracking their marks over vast distances and never allowing an escape. This tenacity makes them feared predators in their regions, and their hunting parties are a common sight for any unfortunate enough to cross their paths.

Integration with Other Organizations
Despite their primal nature, some organizations recognize the Komodolins' exceptional skills. These groups may recruit Komodolins as bounty hunters or assassins, leveraging their relentless pursuit and physical prowess to eliminate difficult targets. However, this integration is often tenuous, as the Komodolins' inherent aggression and disdain for other races can lead to friction.

  • Special Senses:
  • Nightsight: +60

  • Skill Roll ADV:
  • Sneak

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Keen Senses

  • Free Abilities:
  • Reckless Frenzy


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