King's Tears
500 gp 0.00 lb Stone

A rare, transparent and extremely had gemstone native to the world of Faerûn, where they are also known as "frozen tears". Legend has it that they are the crystallized tears of necromancer-kings, and visions of the past can be seen in them.

You behold King's Tears, rare and transparent, forged in Faerûn's depths. Known as "frozen tears," they hold legends of necromancer-kings' sorrow, their crystalline depths revealing haunting visions of a dark, ancient past.

Object Properties:

  • V Current: 10
  • V Max: 10

  • Object Damage Type Resistances(s):
  • Poison
  • Psychic

  • Object Damage Type Immunity:
  • Poison
  • Psychic

  • Object Damage Type Vulnerability:
  • Acid

  • Object Damage Mitigation: +22


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information