Bandit Thief
Bandit Thief
180 lbs


32 / 32

  • Inventory Equipped:
  • Dagger
    2 gp
  • Leather Jerkin
    45 gp
  • Shortsword
    10 gp

  • Inventory Unequipped:
  • Gold Coin
    1 gp
  • Silver Coin
    0.1 gp

You watch a shady individual glide past people, hands quick and silent, snatching coin purses with the precision of a master thief.


Creature Sub Type

Bandits come in many forms, often marked by their rugged and unkempt appearance. They dress in mismatched armor and tattered clothes, scavenged from fallen victims and raids. Their faces are often obscured by hoods or masks, revealing only hardened eyes and weather-beaten skin.

Bandits typically inhabit remote and treacherous locations, such as dense forests, rocky mountains, and abandoned ruins. These areas provide natural cover and strategic vantage points for ambushes. They are often found near trade routes or villages, preying on unsuspecting travelers and merchants.

Bandits operate in small to medium-sized groups, relying on their numbers and the element of surprise to overpower their targets. They are opportunistic and ruthless, using guerrilla tactics and traps to achieve their goals. While some bandits are motivated purely by greed, others may have more complex motivations, such as revenge or survival.

Combat Tactics
In combat, bandits are cunning and adaptable. They favor ambushes, using the terrain to their advantage. They often employ ranged weapons like bows and crossbows to weaken their enemies from a distance before closing in with swords, daggers, and clubs. Bandit leaders, usually the strongest and most experienced among them, can coordinate attacks and boost their group's morale.

Social Structure
Bandit groups have a loose hierarchy, with the strongest or most cunning individual serving as the leader. Loyalty within the group is often tenuous, held together by mutual benefit rather than genuine camaraderie. Disputes over loot or leadership are common, and the internal dynamics can shift rapidly.

Bandits are driven by a variety of motivations. Some are former soldiers or displaced peasants turned to crime out of necessity. Others are thrill-seekers, reveling in the chaos and lawlessness of their lifestyle. A few bandits may even harbor dreams of grandeur, using their ill-gotten gains to amass power and influence.

Encountering Bandits
When encountering bandits in the world of Zin, adventurers must be prepared for deception and treachery. Bandits often feign surrender or negotiate for ransom, only to betray their word at the first opportunity. Savvy adventurers will remain vigilant, always ready for an unexpected attack.

Legends and Myths
In some regions, bandits have become the stuff of legend, their exploits and infamy woven into local folklore. Tales of daring heists, hidden treasures, and brutal ambushes circulate among the populace, casting a dark shadow over the land. Some bandits, through their cunning and ruthlessness, have even become folk heroes, celebrated by those who see them as symbols of resistance against oppressive regimes.

  • Skill Roll ADV:
  • Sneak

  • Skill Tier 2:
  • Navigation
  • Sneak


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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