Ancient White Dragon
Chromatic Dragon




  • Natural Armor:
  • Natural Armor +10
    0 gp

  • Natural Weapon(s):
  • Bite (15) (2d10)
  • Claw (10) (2d6)
  • Tail (20) (2d8)

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Ice Walk

  • Abilities:
  • Ancient White Dragon Breath - Cold
  • Wing Attack

  • Quick Abilities:
  • Legendary Detection

  • Attack Abilities:
  • Cold Bite (2d8)

  • Free Abilities:
  • Frightful Presence

  • Spellcasting |
  • | Gust of Wind
  • | Ice Storm
  • | Cone of Cold
  • | Wall of Ice

  • Lair:
  • White Dragon Lair

As if an avalanche took form, this monstrous creature looms massively, ready to descend upon you at any moment. Bull-like and terrible, its body is encased in armor-like scales resembling cracked ice plates. Vast, leathery wings, as white as snow, cast shadows. The dragon's fearsome face, blunt and jagged, opens in a fiendish grin, revealing rows of menacing teeth, adding a touch of malevolence to its formidable presence.

The smallest, least intelligent, and most animalistic of the chromatic dragons, white dragons dwell in frigid climes, favoring arctic areas or icy mountains. They are vicious, cruel reptiles driven by hunger and greed.

A white dragon has feral eyes, a sleek profile, and a spined crest. The scales of a wyrmling white dragon glisten pure white. As the dragon ages, its sheen disappears and some of its scales begin to darken, so that by the time it is old, it is mottled by patches of pale blue and light gray. This patterning helps the dragon blend into the realms of ice and stone in which it hunts, and to fade from view when it soars across a cloud-filled sky.

Primal and Vengeful. White dragons lack the cunning and tactics of most other dragons. However, their bestial nature makes them the best hunters among all dragonkind, singularly focused on surviving and slaughtering their enemies. A white dragon consumes only food that has been frozen, devouring creatures killed by its breath weapon while they are still stiff and frigid. It encases other kills in ice or buries them in snow near its lair, and finding such a larder is a good indication that a white dragon dwells nearby.

A white dragon also keeps the bodies of its greatest enemies as trophies, freezing corpses where it can look upon them and gloat. The remains of giants, remorhazes, and other dragons are often positioned prominently within a white dragon's lair as warnings to intruders.

Though only moderately intelligent, white dragons have extraordinary memories. They recall every slight and defeat, and have been known to conduct malicious vendettas against creatures that have offended them. This often includes silver dragons, which lair in the same territories as whites. White dragons can speak as all dragons can, but they rarely talk unless moved to do so.

Lone Masters. White dragons avoid all other dragons except whites of the opposite sex. Even then, when white dragons seek each other out as mates, they stay together only long enough to conceive offspring before fleeing into isolation again.
White dragons can't abide rivals near their lairs. As a result, a white dragon attacks other creatures without provocation, viewing such creatures as either too weak or too powerful to live. The only creatures that typically serve a white dragon are intelligent humanoids that demonstrate enough strength to assuage the dragon's wrath, and can put up with sustaining regular losses as a result of its hunger. This includes dragon-worshiping kobolds, which are commonly found in their lairs.

Powerful creatures can sometimes gain a white dragon's obedience through a demonstration of physical or magical might. Frost giants challenge white dragons to prove their own strength and improve their status in their clans, and their cracked bones litter many a white dragon's lair. However, a white dragon defeated by a frost giant often becomes its servant, accepting the mastery of a superior creature in exchange for asserting its own domination over the other creatures that serve or oppose the giant.

Treasure Under Ice. White dragons love the cold sparkle of ice and favor treasure with similar qualities, particularly diamonds. However, in their remote arctic climes, the treasure hoards of white dragons more often contain walrus and mammoth tusk ivory, whale-bone sculptures, figureheads from ships, furs, and magic items seized from overly bold adventurers.

Loose coins and gems are spread across a white dragon's lair, glittering like stars when the light strikes them. Larger treasures and chests are encased in layers of rime created by the white dragon's breath, and held safe beneath layers of transparent ice. The dragon's great strength allows it to easily access its wealth, while lesser creatures must spend hours chipping away or melting the ice to reach the dragon's main hoard.

A white dragon's flawless memory means that it knows how it came to possess every coin, gem, and magic item in its hoard, and it associates each item with a specific victory. White dragons are notoriously difficult to bribe, since any offers of treasure are seen as an insult to their ability to simply slay the creature making the offer and seize the treasure on their own.

A White Dragon's Lair. White dragons lair in icy caves and deep subterranean chambers far from the sun. They favor high mountain vales accessible only by flying, caverns in cliff faces, and labyrinthine ice caves in glaciers. White dragons love vertical heights in their caverns, flying up to the ceiling to latch on like bats or slithering down icy crevasses.

A legendary white dragon's innate magic deepens the cold in the area around its lair. Mountain caverns are fast frozen by the white dragon's presence. A white dragon can often detect intruders by the way the keening wind in its lair changes tone.

A white dragon rests on high ice shelves and cliffs in its lair, the floor around it a treacherous morass of broken ice and stone, hidden pits, and slippery slopes. As foes struggle to move toward it, the dragon flies from perch to perch and destroys them with its freezing breath.


Chromatic Dragon
Creature Sub Type

Chromatic Dragons: Masters of Malevolence
Chromatic Dragons are iconic and fearsome creatures, embodying the very essence of malevolence. These majestic and menacing beings are known for their sinister intentions, overwhelming power, and distinctive colors that set them apart from their benevolent counterparts. Let's delve into the intriguing world of Chromatic Dragons and uncover the mysteries and terror they can bring to any adventure.

Black Dragon: The Shadow of Desolation
The Black Dragon is a paragon of stealth and deceit. As ebony as the night, these cunning creatures thrive in swamps, marshes, and other murky domains. They are notorious for their craftiness, cunning tactics, and a penchant for ambushing unsuspecting adventurers. The acidic breath of a Black Dragon can dissolve even the sturdiest of armor, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

Blue Dragon: The Tempestuous Tyrant of the Desert
The Blue Dragon is a formidable force of nature, embodying the relentless fury of a desert storm. With scales that gleam like sapphires, they rule over arid wastelands and vast dunes. Blue Dragons are known for their mastery of elemental magic, capable of summoning devastating lightning storms. Those who cross their path often find themselves caught in a maelstrom of magic and might.

Green Dragon: The Cunning Enigma of the Forest
Green Dragons are elusive and mysterious, blending seamlessly into the verdant canopies of ancient forests. With scales like emeralds, they are the embodiment of cunning and manipulation. These dragons are skilled in the art of subterfuge, often playing political games and manipulating creatures into unwitting pawns. Their poisonous breath is as deadly as their schemes.

Red Dragon: The Infernal Monarchs of Volcanic Fury
In the heart of fiery volcanoes and scorched landscapes, Red Dragons reign supreme. They are the embodiment of raw, destructive power, with scales that radiate the heat of a blazing furnace. Red Dragons are infamous for their insatiable greed, hoarding vast treasures and guarding them with fiery breath that can melt even the most formidable of defenses.

White Dragon: The Frigid Recluses of the Arctic Abyss
Nestled within the icy tundras and frozen caverns of the world, White Dragons lurk with their glistening, frost-covered scales. These creatures are known for their relentless pursuit of isolation, often choosing to live far from civilization. They have mastery over the icy chill, freezing their prey with each icy breath and unleashing frosty devastation on any who dare challenge them.

Chromatic Dragons are the ultimate antagonists in your campaign, each one embodying a unique blend of malevolence and power. As players embark on epic quests, they must be prepared to face the wrath of these formidable creatures, navigating treacherous encounters, unraveling their sinister plots, and striving to claim victory against the darkest forces in the realm.



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