



  • Natural Armor:
  • Natural Armor +1
    0 gp

  • Natural Weapon(s):
  • Claw (2d4)
  • Ettercap Bite

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Web Sense
  • Web Walker

  • Abilities:
  • Ettercap Web

  • Attack Abilities:
  • Chokehold Attack

A grotesque fusion of human and arachnid, this hideous, bloated figure exhibits the unsettling blend of both beauty and ugliness. Clawed, spindly limbs with multiple joints hang from its bulbous, stunted body. Multi-faceted eyes and chittering mandibles add to the disturbing visage. Sticky webs drape its frame, hosting spiders that crawl across its body, weaving a network for nesting and hunting.

Ettercaps are humanoid spiders that tend, feed, and watch over spiders the way a shepherd oversees a flock of sheep. They lair deep in remote forests.

Fine strands of silk stream from glands in an ettercap's abdomen, letting it shoot sticky strands of webbing to bind, entrap, or strangle its victims. It can also use its webbing to fashion elaborate snares and nets, which often festoon its lair.

Quiet Killers. When travelers and explorers venture into an ettercap's territory, the ettercap stalks them. Some meet their end wandering blindly into traps or sections of forest enclosed by webs. Others, the ettercap garrotes with strands of web or envenoms with its poisonous bite.

Sylvan Despoilers. Though they dwell in the wilds, ettercaps have no desire to live in harmony with nature. A forest infested with ettercaps transforms into a gloomy place, choked with webs and infested with giant spiders, giant insects, and other sinister predators. Creatures that wander too far into such a wood are soon lost in a maze of webs that dangle with the bones and lost treasures of the ettercaps' victims.

Enemies of the Fey. Ettercaps are natural enemies of fey creatures. The foul creatures set web snares to catch sprites and pixies, which they hungrily devour, and will encase a dryad's tree in webbing in a vain attempt to trap the dryad. Otherwise timid fey will sometimes approach outsiders for help in dealing with an ettercap infestation, being ill-equipped to deal with the malevolent creatures themselves.




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