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Monster parallax
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What We offer

Thousands of searchable items, professional dice rolling, immersive sounds, and automation to help GMs and players make TTRPGs easier.

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Gather friends, or use our party gathering system to forge new friendship and adventures. Join free or paid games, with new or old friends and have awesome memories.

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Play with friends

After the GM creates a campaign and players are linked to that campaign, the GM can use a plentora of tools to build encounters to explore, roleplay, and engage in combat in endless adventures.

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Game Master

A major goal of Magic and Monsters is to ease the burden of being a Game Master by giving you flexible tools. Encounters, random tables, sound effects, music, and automated combat are a few systems to help ease the mind of the GM so you can focus on being a GM, rather than a rules lawyer. Creativity first.

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  • Join a campaign
  • Play with friends
  • Game Master

To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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