Adon's Whisper
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Those who spend time in the Shadow Plane often go insane. This world, devoid of color, teems with lost souls awaiting the God's judgment. Those who linger too long lose their way and their sanity. You offer a glimpse of this realm to a target, driving them to madness.

If the target fails the contesting roll by 4 or less, they gain Short-Term Madness Table. If they fail by 5 or more, they gain Long-Term Madness Table. For every additional 5 points they miss the contesting roll by (now missing the contesting roll by 10 or more), they acquire an additional Indefinite Madness Table.

To remove this maddess created by this spell, an opposing creature has to cast a removal spell or ability at an equivalent spell level, as well make a Contesting Roll vs the caster's Bending Weapon Skill.

You utter Adon's Whisper, and the target's surroundings distort. Shadows creep and twist around them, whispering lost secrets. Their eyes widen as the color drains from their world, plunging them into an abyss of madness.

  • Spell Info:
  • Spell Sphere(s): Divine
  • Spell Circle: Circle of Necromancy
  • Components: 
  • Casting Time: 

  • Parameters:
  • Range:

  • Ability works only if Caster has Status Effect:
  • Shadowform

  • Consumes 4 Ability Charges:
  • Rite
    Priest 1


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information