
By default creatures have a maximum of 2 Fortune charges, and a minimum of -1 Fortune.

Fortune is the max amount of charges of Luck a creature can have.

Creatures primarily gain or lose Luck by rolling Skill Rolls. When rolling a natural 20 on a Skill Roll, the creature gains 1 Luck, up to their maximum Fortune charges.

When rolling a natural 1 on a Challenge Roll, they lose 1 Luck, to a minimum of -1, or Unlucky.

Once a creature has (positive) Luck, they can use it as a Reaction Ability to give ADV on their next Challenge Roll till the start of their next Turn.

If a creature has negative Luck, or is Unlucky, their next Attack Against is made by an enemy has ADV, or their next Contesting Roll is made at DIS. Once this condition is met, their Luck is set to zero (or gains 1 charge, from -1 to zero).

Creatures can use Feats or gain abilities to increase their Fortune.

A GM can reward players with Fortune if they perform or solve something critical to the story, by being awesome, or another reason by GMD.


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information