You blast the Mind of a creature that you can see within Range, attempting to shatter its intellect and personality. The Target takes 4d6 Psychic damage and must make an Psyche.
On a failed Contesting Roll, the creature's Mind and Soul scores become 1. The creature can't cast Spells, activate Magic items, understand language, or communicate in any intelligible way. The creature can, however, Identify its friends, follow them, and even protect them.
At the end of every 30 days, the creature can repeat its Contesting Roll against this Spell. If it succeeds on its Contesting Roll, the Spell ends.
The Spell can also be ended by greater restoration, heal, or wish.
Arcane words flow from your lips as you extend your hand. Invisible psychic energy surges toward your enemy; their eyes glaze over as their mind collapses under your spell's crushing force.