Circle of Charm
Circle Of Magic

The Circle of Charm uses magic to beguile other people and monsters. Some enchanters are peacemakers who bewitch the violent to lay down their arms and charm the cruel into showing mercy. Others are tyrants who magically bind the unwilling into their service. Most enchanters fall somewhere in between.

Attached Spells
# Level Name
1 7 Dominate Fire Elemental
2 2 Lover's Quarrel
3 1 Command Foe
4 2 Zone of Truth
5 1 Curse of Seduction
6 1 Heroism
7 0 Force Smile
8 7 Dominate Air Elemental
9 7 Cursed Land - Nature's Wrath
10 8 Sympathy Siren
11 2 Suggestion
12 1 Alter Speech
13 9 Power Word Kill
14 5 Hatemonger’s Halo
15 5 Dominate Person
16 3 Family Curse - Sow and Reap
17 8 Power Word Stun
18 8 Antipathy
19 2 Zone of Deception
20 2 Enemies Everywhere
21 6 Brand of Servitude
22 7 Dominate Earth Elemental
23 1 Eldritch Weapon Bond
24 1 Curse of Babel
25 2 Calm Emotions
26 3 Heartless
27 3 Curse of Madness
28 2 Curse of Sloth
29 2 Hold Person
30 4 Insidious Insomnia
31 4 Puzzling Confusion
32 1 Curse of Gluttony
33 1 Hideous Laughter
34 6 Mass Suggestion
35 2 Adjudicate
36 0 Force Scowl
37 3 Cursed Land - Yagi's Betrayal
38 3 Empowering Speech
39 5 Hold Monster
40 3 Breathtaking Gem
41 4 Famine’s Feast
42 0 Friendly Demeanor
43 1 Challange Foe
44 3 Curse of Pride
45 5 Geas
46 2 Isha's Lunacy
47 4 Charm Monster
48 2 Animal Messenger
49 1 Searing Equation
50 7 Dominate Water Elemental
51 8 Feeblemind
52 1 Charm Person
53 4 Enthralling Momentum
54 5 Modify Memory
55 8 Dominate Monster
56 1 Slumberwave
57 1 Dramatic Sting
58 4 Tearful Sonnet
59 6 Otto's Irresistible Dance
60 1 Unmistakable Urges
61 1 Curse of Greed
62 1 Fortified Will
63 2 Enthrall
64 8 Glibness
65 0 Vicious Mockery
66 4 Dominate Beast
67 1 Curse of Anger
68 4 Cannibal Compulsion
69 1 Animal Friendship
70 3 Curse of The Abyss
71 4 Kinslayer

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To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information